
SCATA Members Newsletter September 2020

Dear SCATA Member

Apologies for the lack of newsletters over the summer period. Since our AMM in June, there has been little to report other than the continuing preparations for #gashack2 and most recently, the decision to merge the International Hl7 Anesthesia Working Group with the Devices Working Group.


Currently we have 32 registrations, mostly from clinicians. It would be great if SCATA members could twist a few arms among their contacts who are either developers, know developers or know any computer science undergrads that might be interested in attending. We are over the disappointment of not being able to hold the event face to face at the RCoA and our Treasurer Andrew Norton has kindly agreed to allocate some funds to make prizes available for 1st to 3rd best hack from the weekend. These will probably take the form of Amazon vouchers and amounts will be made explicit shortly.

If interested in joining, please follow the registration link on the web site and join our slack channel.

International Hl7 Anesthesia Working Group merges with the Devices Working Group.

The 2020 HL7 September Working Group meeting was held online with Webex. Tuesday's agenda for the Devices (previously Healthcare Devices) WG included a short presentation from Martin Hurrell, the Anesthesia WG chair. Martin proposed a merger between the Anesthesia and the Devices WGs which was accepted. Part of the motivation behind this is the dwindling number of active participants internationally in the Anesthesia WG, with much better numbers in the Devices WG. The latter also includes a number of technical experts working on standards for ventilators, so there is a degree of overlap and alignment between the groups. For more information, please feel free to contact Martin: [email protected].


Grant Forrest & JP Lomas

SCATA President & Chairman

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